Friday, December 5, 2008
Visitting Buddhasena
In Buddhism, a vihara is the term used for a monastery. In addition to living quarters for monks or nuns, a vihara also typically has a shrine with an image of the Buddha, space for communal meditation, and a bodhi tree.
On Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 3 Prep Buddhist students and some Elementary students accompanied by Ibu Yuvida, Ibu Erlin, and Ibu Adriani visited Vihara Buddhasena. The purpose of this visit was for discovering what goes on inside and to find out the beliefs of the people who worship there.
When they arrived, they did the praying ritual. After that, the religion teacher (Ibu Yuvida) explained about the statues of various gods and godesses in Vihara. Pak Johan as the Head of Vihara Yayasan was happy to see all the children and hear them singing 'Anak Yang Baik' (Good Children). The children brought money for donate and they could not wait for their turn putting the money into the box.
The children were excited when Pak Johan led them on a tour around Vihara Buddhasena. They saw Kuti Room (room for monks or nuns who are staying or visiting the Vihara), Multi function Room (room for special occasions, such as wedding ceremony, birthday, etc with vegetarian food), Memory Room (room for keeping pictures of beloved persons who already passed away. The family can come and pray. People in Vihara Buddhasena will prepare the needs for the praying), Meditation Room (room for persons who want to overcome negative thoughts and cultivate constructive thoughts) and Library with a lot of Buddhist books in different languages from all over the world). The children loved the books. They spent quite a long reading and looking through the books.
Before they went back to school, they took a picture with Pak Johan and Pak Johan gave a Buddhist Cartoon VCD and Buddhist book tags to all children. Pak Johan asked the children to come to Vihara every week with their parents.
Friday, November 21, 2008
We Learn How To Grow The Plants..
Prep students were excited and they were really curious. They asked questions about kinds of plants and touched the plants. The weather was sunny but it did not stop them observing plants in Kuntum Nursery.
After the tour, they rested in a gazebo and ate their snacks. Before they returned to the school, they listened to an explanation about how to plant a Caisim. They saw the seeds, 2 week old Caisim, and 1 month old Caisim. Two students were allowed to practice planting Caisim in front of their friends. Each of students got seeds and 1 month old Caisim plant to take home.
It was time to go back to school, but and before we left, we took a picture with all of the Kuntum Nursery family. Thanks for the trip
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Prep A Students Are Learning Direction
To make the lesson more interesting, students went to the playground for a game. We call it "Blindfold". Teacher put an object on the playground and asked a student to find with his or her friends' assistance or guidance.
Students took turns to be blindfolded and stood in the middle of the playground. The others guided him or her to move forward and backward, turn left and turn right. All students were very excited to take a turn. They were happy when they found the target.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Making a Model of Public Places
Drawing the public places.
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Presenting the models
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Here are the models
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Public Places
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Home Sweet Home
1. different types of homes
2. the concept of home
3. circumstances that determine where people live
To support the theme, we had a trip to TMII (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah) where we saw different types of traditional houses in Indonesia.
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Saturday, June 21, 2008
Prep Graduation 2008
What a wonderful year we have !!
We have been through so many exciting activities together. This year is different from the past. This is the first year for Prep to cover six trans-disciplinary themes which are Who We Are, Where We Are In Place And Time, How We Express Ourselves, How The World Works, How We Organize Ourselves, and Sharing The Planet.
To support all those themes, we had some excursions. We went to Bogor Raya Sport Club to interview people who work there, Kuntum Nursery to learn about stages of plant growth, and CICO to learn about saving the resources.
We also now have a native speaker (Mrs. Glyn) who is teaching Language covering reading, writing, story telling, etc. Besides Language, Prep students learned other subjects (UOI, Math, Bahasa, PE, Art, Music, Religion, Computer). In UOI, they learned about parts of the body, family and traditions, expressing feelings using different materials. growing plants, school community, and caring for the resources with Ibu Frida and Ibu Wulan.
In Math, Ibu Wulan and Ibu Rosy used water and sand to explain addition and subtraction.
In Bahasa, Ibu Yoke and Ibu Frida taught the students how to read and write simple words and sentences. For PE, Ibu Erlin had a variety of activities, such as balancing, running, jumping, climbing, dancing, and playing Indonesian traditional games. Ibu Eka and Ibu Erlin were responsible for art this year. With the students, they made art and craft related to the Unit of Inquiry. With Ibu Ertha, Prep students learned how to play keyboard and sing songs nicely.
In Religion, they studied more about their own religions (Pak Jan-Christian, Pak Bambang-Catholic, Pak Nurdin-Islam, Ibu Yuvida-Buddha, and Ibu Adriani-Hindu). The students also learned how to type using 10 fingers during computer time with Pak Eki.
We believe that this school year was such a successful year with all the support from the students, parents, specialist teachers, and other school community members.
Thank you all !!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Lomba Kreatifitas Kesatuan 2008
Some Prep Students participated in Lomba Kreatifitas Kesatuan on May
24th, 2008. Nashwa joined the Computer Puzzle Competition. Cynthia Jonathan,
Wynnetta Yasmina Syahrizal and Kesar were participated in the Coloring Contest. Victor Castor, William. T, and Donnatella participated in the Solo Singing Contest. The competition was held from 8 to 10.30 am and many schools in Bogor participated. Ibu Erlin had the honour of being selected as an external judge for the Computer Puzzle Competition.
Our students performed very well. Wynnetta Yasmina Syahrizal took 3rd Prize in the Coloring Contest that had 20 contestants. The Solo Singing Contest had 48 contestants but our students beat them. Victor Castor won 1st Prize, William. T won 2nd Prize, and Donnatella won 4th Prize.
We are really excited with the results. A big round of applause for ibu Ertha
as the vocal instructor and ibu Erlin as the choreographer for the Solo Singing Contest.
Well Done!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Subtraction Using Measurement
In Prep class we learned about subtraction using measurement. In the classroom, we poured seven cups of water into a bowl then we poured out two cups of water out of the bowl. Students watched the teacher measuring the water left in the bowl. All students did the experiment individually in front of the classroom under the teachers' supervision.
At different times, we went to the sandpit outside. Here students did the same experiment of measurement using sand. First they filled a bowl with five cups of sand then they poured out three cups of sand. They proved that there were four cups of sand left in the bowl. Students did this experiment individually in the sandpit under the teachers' supervision.
In Math, students say seven minus three equals four. Now Prep students are excited to learn subtraction.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Field Trip to CICO
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sekolah Bogor Raya 13th Anniversary
Teachers in their Batik Costumes
Parents helped their children in 'Bag Painting' Competition.

From Left to Right :
Mr. Doug (School Director), Topas Malino (1st Winner), Bhushan Bliapa (2nd Winner), Cintya Wardani (3rd Winner), and Ibu Rika (PG and TK Principal)
On May 2nd, Sekolah Bogor Raya celebrated its' 13th anniversary and Doug as a School Director felt great pride at the flag ceremony, pride in what the school has accomplished so far. He expect to see the PG and TK full maybe this year, or sometime soon. The theme for the anniversary this year is 'Save The Earth' and the main reason behind the theme is we are concerned about the state of the world that the children will live and work in. How will their quality of life be affected by our exploitation of resources.
All the teachers, school staff, school management, and parents in POMG wore Batik on that day. They were looked different, even the security guys looked particularly elegant in their new 'Batik uniforms'. It is a National Costume and we will wear it again to show our nationality in special occasions such as Kartini's Day.The children in PG and TK had Bag Painting Competition. They were accompanied by their parents to help them painting the bag related to 'Save The Earth' theme. The Winner for the Bag Painting Competition from Prep A are : Topas Malino (1st Winner), Bhushan Bliapa (2nd Winner) and Cintya Wardani (3rd Winner). These bags can be taken empty when the children go shopping. Then, when the children buy someting, just plunk it into the bag and REFUSE THE STORE'S PLASTIC BAG.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Let's make recycle crafts!
Kartini Day
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Sunday, May 4, 2008
Let's Dance
From January 7 to Feb 15, 2008 the students expressed their response to music using their bodies and utensils. Teachers provided different utensils every week and expected that students will be able to express their feelings in response to music using their bodies and utensils.
This activity was fun. We could see some students were confident (moved their bodies when the music started) and risk-takers (chose different utensils to express their feelings). The utensils that we used are : balloons, paper flags, ribbon.
At the first week, we introduced the concept by asking the students to use their bodies in response to music. And for the Summative Assesment, teachers asked the students to choose the utensil they preferred to express their feelings in response to the music to fulfill the summative assessment.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Go Green Event in Botani Square
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Kids In Action
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Student-led Conferences in April 2008
This is a very important opportunity for students to show their strengh and acknowledge their weaknesses. These conferences will give an opportunity for children to reflect upon their successes during the year. It is also an opportunity to open up and improve communication between parents and their children about their children's education. The teachers will only be observers, not active participants.
The goals of Student-led Conferences :
1. To encourage students to accept responsibility for their learning.
2. To teach students to evaluate their academic performance.
3. To engage the parents, the students, and the teachers in honest dialogue.
4. To increase parent participation at conference time.
We strongly encourage the parents to be a positive part of this conferencing process and make an effort to attend as this is vital for your child's education.